21,312 Days Until America 300

On February, 27th, 2018 there are only 21,312 days left until America 300.   The number 21,312 is a palindrome meaning that it is the same number written forwards as written backwards. The most popular palindrome of all time is Tacocat which is spelled the same forwards as backwards. Just try it with me, T. A. C. O. C. A. T. now lets go backwards. Tacocat, it's an amazing feat of language, geometry and mathematics. The word civic is also a palindrome, so go do your civic duty today and do something great for another American. You only have 21,312 chances left to do something nice, for your fellow Americans, before the big day.  On this day in 1971, the American Business woman Sarah Blakely the inventor of spanks was born. Blakely was rejected by every manufacturer she pitched her idea too, but she persisted and with five thousand dollars of her savings, she eventually turned spanks into a billion dollar business. America you can do it, you can make anything happen if you never give up. Because America never gave up, on this day in 1782 the British voted to end the revolutionary war against America because they realized united we were unstoppable. Believe in America 300. 

James Both